Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Grab That Orb

All the Forgotten Memories are collected. There is just one thing left to do in the Dreamscape. The Fairy Godmother is letting you deal with what’s left behind and heads back to the Forgotten Lands of Disney Dreamlight Valley. Meet up with her in the Forgotten Lands when you are done.

Before you can take care of the one remaining minor task, you have a visitor.

It’s a race to the orb! Who will get there first?

Orb Interception

One final task is left to do in the Dreamscape. Get the Orb of Remembrance from the center pedestal. After that, you can return to Dreamlight Valley. But wait, what’s happening!

Suddenly, a portal opens near you and The Forgotten steps out. Before you know what hits you, they grab the Orb of Remembrance off the pedestal in the center of the room!

Oh No!

Quest Task: Grab the Orb of Remembrance.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Meeting the Forgotten

On the positive side, you finally get to meet The Forgotten. Although, you and The Forgotten have slightly different opinions of who each of you are.

On the negative side, The Forgotten has the Orb and won’t give it back!

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

More Insight into The Forgotten

The Forgotten is not pleased with you. They are suddenly remembering all sorts of memories that they thought were lost for good. These are memories that The Forgotten wants to forget.

It’s clear that you are the reason the memories are flooding back. And, based on your attempt to offer The Forgotten help, it’s also clear that you know exactly what the memories contain.

As a result, it’s not really unexpected that your offer of help is not well received. The Forgotten makes it very clear that they have a plan of their own. They are making sure that no one gets pulled to the dark side of Dreamlight Valley, ever again. They don’t need or want any help from you.

This is not going well.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Failed Task

Without another word, The Forgotten disappears through the portal they created, taking the Orb of Remembrance with them. You are left behind, without the Orb. Guess you might as well go back to The Forgotten Lands and let the Fairy Godmother know what just occurred.

Quest Task: Leave the Dreamscape.

Quest Task: Tell the Fairy Godmother what’s happened.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Dire Consequences

As you return to the Forgotten Lands, you notice rips in the sky. This does not bode well! The Forgotten is attempting to tear down the walls between Dreamlight Valley and the dark side.

The Fairy Godmother issues a grave warning. If The Forgotten is not careful, they will destroy everything!

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Continue the Adventure

Parent Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Quest

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

What’s Left Behind is the fourth and final sub-quest of Miracles Take Time. For more Fairy Godmother’s adventures check out: Fire Alarm.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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