Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Moth to a Flame

The Elysian Fields is open, which gives you access to more of Mythopia. Open the path to the Fiery Plains. It’s easy to see how this new section of Mythopia got its’ name. Small fires blaze all around the Biomes and draw your attention. Just like a moth to a flame, it’s hard to stay away. Venture on and see what other mysteries lie within the Fiery Plains.

Updated 02/19/2025

The Fiery Plains

It takes 5000 Storybook Magic to dissolve the large inkies blocking all entrances to the Fiery Plains, but it’s well worth it. Like a moth to a flame, you are drawn inside.

There is much to see. In fact, you have found another gazebo brimming with ink. This must be another Mythic Trial. But you can’t get close. There are mysterious flames blocking the way forward and not even your Royal Watering Can is able to put them out.

This will require some help. Snap a picture of the strange flames to show some of the Villagers. Surely someone will know what it takes to extinguish the flames.

Quest Task: You’ve cleared away the ink blocking the way, and discovered a new part of Mythopia.

  • Explore the Fiery Plains

Quest Task: Mysterious flames block the path!

  • Take a picture of them

Pro Tip: There is a small path to the far right that you can clear to get behind the row of flames. Unfortunately, you still can’t trigger the Vertical Wheel Lever and open the portal.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Talk to Hades

Who to consult about the strange flames littering the Fiery Plains…hmm. You need someone who is an expert with fire and one person, or should I say God, comes to mind. Hades!

Take the picture you snapped and seek him out.

Quest Task: If only there were someone knowledgeable about Mythopia who could help you…

  • Explore the Elysian Fields to find a Villager who can help you

Quest Task: Talk to Hades and show him the picture of the Mysterious Flames.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Mix of Magic

It turns out that the flames are a result of the clash between Hades and Maleficent. But since they are made up of magic from both of them, Hades has been unable to extinguish them.

Aurora, however, was able to put some of them out. Hades is not exactly sure what she used. He did hear it had something to do with a Sacred Spring and its’ Magical Water, but he hasn’t been able to find the spring. And he’s looked. What God wouldn’t want a little Magical Water, right?!

Hmm, when it comes to Aurora’s activities, the best person to ask is the Lorekeeper. She might know how Aurora put out the flames or at least where the spring is.

Quest Task: Hades talked about a hidden spring of sacred water with magical properties.

  • Talk to the Lorekeeper about its location
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Snippet Catching

The Lorekeeper does remember that a Sacred Spring exists. Its’ waters do have the power to put out the fires caused by Maleficent and Hades. But, as you might expect, the full answer has been lost along with her pages.

Help restore her pages by catching the Snippets and returning them to her. This will require 3 different types of Snippets. Here is where to find them.

Red Bird Snippets

  • Library of Lore

Pink Demon Snippets

  • Elysian Fields
  • Fiery Plains

Blue Demon Snippets

  • Fiery Plains
  • Fallen Fortress

Quest Task: The Lorekeeper holds a story about the Sacred Spring’s location. Collect enough Snippets to restore it to her pages.

  • Red Bird Snippet – 10
  • Pink Demon Snippet – 5
  • Blue Demon Snippet – 2

Pro Tip: The Pink and Blue Demons can be a little difficult to catch. Swing your net at them, then follow their trail as they run away. For Pink Demon Snippets, swing again and you’ll catch it. For the Blue Demon Snippets, you will need to swing and chase them 2 more times before you can land your final swing to get them in your net. Note: They will hold still for a while to let you get close enough. Be sure to do that, because if you miss, the chase starts from the beginning.

Pro Tip: You can also craft one of the Basic Snippet Traps, set it up and come back later to collect them. You do need to wait for it to trap the Snippets, so it takes a little time, but this method can save on frustration.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Reorder the Story

Take the Snippets back to the Lorekeeper and select the dialog option to reorder a story. There will be a new story in her pages called “Aurora and the Sacred Spring”.

Complete the puzzle. It reveals a picture of the location of the Sacred Spring. All you need to do is find it.

Quest Task: Reorder the “Aurora and the Sacred Spring” Tale in the Lorekeepers pages

  • Press “+” (Switch) to access the Collection menu and navigate to the correct section to see your completed Lorekeeper Tales

Aurora’s Story

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A 3-Star Puzzle

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Finished Story

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Find the Sacred Spring

Like a moth to a flame, you are determined to find the Sacred Spring.

Head back to The Elysian Fields and look at the landscape until you find an area that matches Aurora’s Story.

Location: For those who don’t want to hunt, the spring is located behind the foliage to the left side of the semi-circle shaped pool of water. It is almost directly ahead of you as you enter the Elysian Fields from The Bind.

Interact with the foliage and remove everything that has grown up or gathered around the spring. When you finally reach the spring itself, interact with it to get a vial of Magical Water.

Quest Task: Find the Sacred Spring hidden in Storybook Vale using the clues in Aurora’s story

Quest Task: You found the Sacred Spring!

  • Pick up the vial of the sacred water

Good Camouflage

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Sacred Spring

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

More is Needed

The vial of Sacred Water is only one of the ingredients you need to make the potion that will douse the flames around the Mythic Trial entrance. You may have some of the items you still need in your treasure chests, but if you don’t here is where to find them:

  • Crimson Eternal Poppies – grow wild in The Elysian Fields and Mount Olympus
  • Magma – Mine anywhere in Mythopia, appears randomly
  • Hippocampus – Fish in white circles, anywhere in Mythopia

Quest Task: Return to Hades.

Quest Task: Gather the following in Mythopia.

  • Crimson Eternal Poppies – 5
  • Magma – 3
  • Hippocampus – 2
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Crafting The Watering Can Potion

After you have collected all the ingredients, head to your favorite crafting station.

You will find the potion recipe under Potion & Enchantment.

Use the new Watering Can Potion from your backpack Inventory to upgrade your Watering Can. It will now be able to put out the mysterious flames littering Mythopia.

Quest Task: Craft the Watering Can Potion.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Reaching the Mythic Trial Portal

Remove the flames blocking the way to the Fiery Plains gazebo. The Vertical Wheel Lever is now free to turn. Use your Royal Net on the Wheel to activate the Mythic Trial Portal inside the gazebo.

As soon as the Mythic Trial portal appears, A Moth to a Flame ends and The Promethean Flame begins.

Quest Task: You can now use your Watering Can to remove the Mysterious Flames!

  • Reach the Mythic Trial in the Fiery Plains and use your Royal Net to activate it.
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Adventures Continue

Previous Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Moth to a Flame adventure continues in The Mythic Trail: The Promethean Flame.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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