Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

All Blocked Treasure Chest in Mythic and Fairy Tale Trials

Storybook Vale provides a wealth of new quests and tons of flexibility on the order that they are played. The Fairy Tale and Mythic Trials add fun challenges for those puzzle-minded players. However, one drawback with the flexible quest sequence, is that you’ll come across blocked treasure chests during your adventures that you just can’t reach on first play-through. How do you remember all their locations? We’re here to help. Here is where to find all blocked treasure chests in the Storybook Vale Fairy Tale and Mythic Trials!

Royal Tool Upgrades

As you begin your adventures in Welcome to The Storybook Vale, you will get a new Royal Tool, The Royal Net. But you also get various upgrades to your existing Royal Tools as the story progresses. These upgrades allow you to remove the new debris that clutters the Biomes of Storybook Vale and blocks Treasure Chests throughout your adventures.

Here are the quests you need to complete to gain the Royal Tool upgrades listed.

Pickaxe Upgrades:

Shovel Upgrades:

  • Remove Mossy Logs – Quest “Clan DunBroch’s Rules of the Hunt”
  • Remove Broken Teacups – Quest “Curiouser and Curiouser…

Watering Can Upgrades:

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Where are all the Blocked Treasure Chests

There are indeed a lot of quests in Act I of the Storybook Vale. However, all the blocked treasure chests that can’t be opened during the initial playthrough of the quests are in the Fairy Tale Trials in Everafter or the Mythic Trials in Mythopia.

Let’s start with The Fairy Tale Trials located on the west side of Storybook Vale.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Wild Woods Fairy Tale Trial

There are two (2) blocked Treasure chests in the Wild Woods Fairy Tale Trial.

Wild Woods Fairy Tale Trial

  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Broken Teacups: Go through the first door on the right as you enter the main room of the Fairy Tale Trial. This is the door with the square floor puzzle in front of it. The chest will be on the left side of the next room.
  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Glowing Mushrooms: Head through the second door on the right of the main room of this Fairy Tale Trial. This is the door that was opened with the Vertical Wheel Lever. You will enter the room with the cooking puzzle. The treasure chest will be near the stairs.

Check out our Wild Woods Fairy Tale Trial Guide for more details on this Trial.

Broken Teacups

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Glowing Mushrooms

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Fallen Fortress Fairy Tale Trial Treasure

The Fallen Fortress Fairy Tale Trial has two (2) blocked Treasure chests and a blocked hallway. Here are the locations.

Fallen Fortress Fairy Tale Trial

  • Hallway blocked by Glowing Mushrooms: Enter the second room with the 3 Knight Statues. On the left is a hallway blocked by Glowing Mushrooms. This is removed at the start of Flynn’s quest, An Old-Fashioned Heist.
  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Broken Teacups: Proceed a little further into this room. This blocked Treasure Chest is on the right side near the pedestal with the note.
  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Broken Teacups: Go through the door on the left of this center chamber. Follow the path until you reach the room with the many Knight Statues circling the room and the curtain at the front. A Knight Statue on the left has the teacup blocked Treasure Chest at its’ feet.

Check out our Fallen Fortress Fairy Tale Trial Guide for full instructions on completing this Trial.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Teapot Falls Fairy Tale Trial

The Teapot Falls Fairy Tale Trial has two (2) blocked Treasure chests.

Teapot Falls Fairy Tale Trial

  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Glowing Mushrooms: Enter the room with the long table waiting for the tea sets. The Treasure Chest is on a raised section on the side of the room.
  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Glowing Mushrooms: Go through the door on the right side of the Table. This leads to the room with the hedge mazes. The Treasure Chest is on the right side of the room.

Check out Teapot Falls Fairy Tale Trial Guide for more information on navigating the Trial.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Maleficent’s Castle

There are 2 blocked Treasure Chests found in Maleficent’s Castle, which is located in the Beanstalk Marshes.

Maleficent’s Castle

  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Glowing Mushrooms: Enter the main chamber, where you first met Maleficent. The Treasure Chest is to your left at the base of the stairs.
  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Swirling Fire: Head through the portal to Maleficent’s Throne Room. This Treasure Chest is hidden in an alcove on the left side of the room as you enter it.

Check out The Mistress of All Evil guide for more information on navigating Maleficent’s castle.

Glowing Mushrooms

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Elysian Fields Mythic Trial

Mythopia is on the east side of Storybook Vale. Not surprisingly, the Trials in Mythopia are not called Fairy Tale Trials, but rather these are referred to as Mythic Trials.

To reach all the blocked Treasure Chests in the Mythic Trials, you need to re-play some parts of the maze. Check out our Elysian Fields Mythic Trial Guide for a refresher on the details of this one.

Elysian Fields Mythic Trial

  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Swirling Fire: Turn the first rotating bridge twice (1/2 turn) to reach a new balcony holding this chest.
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Fiery Plains Mythic Trial

The Fiery Plains Mythic Trial has 1 blocked Treasure chest.

Fiery Plains Mythic Trial

  • Treasure Chest behind the Broken Marble Pillars: Navigate the maze until you reach the pair of closed gates with a rotating bridge to its’ left. Cross the bridge to the Horizontal Wheel Lever. Swing your Royal Net at the Wheel Lever to rotate the bridge until it connects to the balcony whose entrance is blocked by the Broken Marble Pillar. The Treasure Chest is on the balcony near the back railing.

For more details, see our Fiery Plains Mythic Trial Guide.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Statue’s Shadow Mythic Trial

There is one (1) blocked Treasure Chests in the Statue’s Shadow Mythic Trial.

Statue’s Shadow Mythic Trial

  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Broken Marble Pillars: Navigate through the Mythic Trial until you reach the final balcony. Push the cart of Marble twice to reach the Treasure Chest.

Check out our Statue’s Shadow Mythic Trial Guide for the full instructions on navigating this maze.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Mount Olympus

You’ll find two (2) blocked Treasure Chests in Mount Olympus.

Mount Olympus

  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Swirling Fire: Pass through the second set of large Golden Gates, which you opened with the vases. Use your Royal Fishing Rod to pull up the path in the clouds in the next area. This will allow you to cross to the small balcony containing the Treasure Chest
  • Treasure Chest Surrounded by Glowing Mushrooms: Continue through the maze, past the broken drawbridge and down the stairs. This treasure chest is at the base of the stairs.

Need more detailed instructions for Mount Olympus? Check out our Mount Olympus Guide.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Found Them All

You’ve now found all the blocked treasure chests in Storybook Vales Act I Storyline. We hope our guide has been helpful.

Happy Gaming!

About Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley is a lifestyle simulation game available on console, PC, Steam and mobile. Originally launched in September of 2022 in early release, it has since grown to well over a million followers and further expanded with two purchasable DLC. A Rift in Time DLC was released on December 5, 2023. The Storybook Vale DLC was released on November 20, 2024.

Players live in a magical dream world with Disney/Pixar characters where they take on adventures with their friends, decorate the Valley and solve the mystery of The Forgetting.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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