Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Brave the Storm

You’ve found Aladdin! He has been trapped on the patio rooftop near the South Alley ever since he and the Magic Carpet decided to brave the storm in an attempt to find a way to stop the Windcaller. Now that the path to him is clear, Aladdin is ready to brave the storm once again and move forward with his mission. This time, however, you are here to help!

Updated: 03/06/2025

Over the Rooftops

Aladdin wants to continue his search for a way to stop the Windcaller in the South Market. Getting there on ground level is going to be difficult, however, due to all the Dust Devils and small sandstorms. He’s ready to brave the storm, but you might as well take the easiest path when you do it, which is over the rooftops.

You are currently standing on the rooftop patio where you met Aladdin in The Ancient Revealed. The patio lies in the Northeast corner of Aladdin’s Realm.

The South Market is directly south of here, but there is a high building in the way. To get around it, you will need to cross to the rooftop balcony of the building just to your west. That balcony is just wide enough for you cross back over, south of the high building, to a rooftop of a building that borders the South Market.

Quest Task: Meet Aladdin near the edge of the roof.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Gathering Bridge Building Materials

The storm has left a lot of debris on the patio. Aladdin is confident that there are enough materials laying around, to build a bridge that will span from the patio to the rooftop balcony directly west of you.

Use the Royal Pickaxe to remove the Sandstone deposit on the east side of the Patio. A pile of Fine Rope can be found behind it.

Look directly across the patio to the west. Another Sandstone deposit has accumulated near the second-story door to the patio. Remove these deposits as well to get to the Pile of Planks.

Walk around the patio to the southwest edge, where it overlooks the alley below. Ignore the large barrel for now and pick up the Timber that is stacked in the Southwest corner.

Once you have that in your backpack Inventory, interact with the large barrel to move it out of your way. You can now build a bridge between the rooftop you’re on and the rooftop balcony to your west.

Quest Task: Scavenge building materials from the South-East Rooftops.

  • Pile of Planks
  • Fine Rope
  • Timber Stack

Fine Rope

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Pile of Planks

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Timber Stack

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Build a Bridge

Interact with the edge of the patio to create the rooftop bridge.

As soon as it’s in place, Aladdin races across. Follow him. You’ve been on this balcony before, so it should look quite familiar.

Aladdin moves under the covered passthrough, heading south. If you haven’t already cleared the Sandstone deposits in the passthrough, Aladdin will wait there until you do.

Quest Task: Place the items on the roof’s edge near Aladdin to make a bridge.

Quest Task: Talk to Aladdin on the rooftops.

Build the Bridge

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Under the Passthrough

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A View of the Market

When the passthrough is clear, Aladdin moves further south on the rooftop.

From where he stops, you can see into the South Market, which is now to your east. If you can find enough materials, this is a good spot to create a bridge to cross back over to that side.

Quest Task: Make your way farther across the Center Rooftops with Aladdin.

Quest Task: Talk to Aladdin on the Center Rooftops.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

More Bridge Materials

Break down all the Sandstone deposits on this side of the Center Rooftop passthrough.

There is Fine Rope and a Pile of Planks in the area that juts out to the west and a Large Plank, Timber Stack, and more Fine Rope in the southern-most corner.

Quest Task: Find a way down to the South Market using what you’ve learned.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

To the South Market Rooftops

Use the Large Plank to create the bridge from the Center Rooftop to the roof of the building in the South Market.

There are stairs just ahead, but you can’t reach them. Immovable barrels and stone block the way. So unfortunately, you will need another way down. But before you move away, grab the Timber Stack in front of the barrels.

Now turn south and look across the rooftops. Two bridges will be needed to reach the rooftop balcony on the south side of the Market. There may be a way down to the ground from there.

A Pile of Planks is sitting near the south edge of this rooftop. Pick it up. You now should have enough materials in your backpack Inventory to build both of the bridges.

So, head to the roof’s edge, build the first bridge, and proceed across.

Build the second bridge over the two Dust Devils and cross over to the next Rooftop Balcony. You are now on the South side of the South Market.

Bridge and Blockage

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Pile of Planks

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Bridge over Dust Devils

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Enter the South Market

Head to the unstable scaffolding on the rooftop’s edge. Use your Royal Pickaxe on it, to create a ramp that will take you to the ground.

You are now in the South Market.

Aladdin continues to brave the storm and is right behind you. He is very distressed to see the amount of damage the Windcaller caused here. Perhaps during your hunt for clues on how to stop the Windcaller, you can also gather materials to fix some of the stalls.

Quest Task: Talk to Aladdin in the South Market.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Royal Watering Can Upgrade

With all the broken-down stalls, there are piles of rotting fruit all over the market, creating quite a stench. Aladdin hands you some Rose Water, hoping that will help.

Use the Rose Water from your backpack Inventory. It will upgrade your Royal Watering Can so that you can remove the Rotten Fruit Piles.

There is actually a nice benefit to this. With each Rotten Fruit Pile you eliminate, you get a piece of fresh fruit and some Sticky Fouled Fruit Sugars. Oddly enough, the Sticky Fouled Fruit Sugars work really well in repairing stalls!

Quest Task: Use the Rose Water in your Inventory.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Search for Stall Repair Materials

Search the South Market for materials to build Stall Repair Kits. You need enough material to make 3 repair kits, if you plan to fix all of the South Market Stalls.

Look behind you, at the ramp you created to reach the South Market floor. On the left (east) of the ramp is a pile of Rotten Fruit and closer to the wall is a Timber Stack. A little further east of the ramp is a small courtyard. It’s in the Southeast corner of the market and has two Dust Devils blocking its’ entrance.

Watch the Dust Devils carefully and run past them. There are 5 items in the Southeast corner that will make the effort well worth it. Pick up the Fine Rope, Timber Stack and Bolts of Silk. Be sure to also dig up the two Planks that are buried in the sand.

Quest Task: Search through the wreckage for what you’ll need for the stall repairs

  • Something sticky – 3
  • Fine Rope – 3
  • Timber Stack – 3
  • Bolts of Silk – 3
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

More Materials Needed

Dash back past the Dust Devils into center of the South Market. Another Dust Devil is dancing along the east wall, just a little to the north. Behind it is another Bolt of Silk.

Along the north wall of the South Market is a broken staircase. To its’ right is some Fine Rope, a pile of Rotten Fruit and another Plank.

Use the three Planks you’ve collected to create a ramp over the broken stairs. Head up to the rooftop balcony and gather the Fine Rope and Bolt of Silk before returning to the ground.


Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

More Supplies

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Stair Repair

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Top of Stairs

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Southwest Corner Alley Entrance

Continue around the South Market until you reach the Southwest side.

Run between the two Dust Devils, that are moving below the rooftop bridge you created. You will find yourself in a blocked-off section of an alley. A Rotten Fruit Pile sits to the South of the opening. Fine Rope and a Bolt of Silk are on the North side. Gather everything and dash back between the two Dust Devil into the Market.

With the Timber Stack you picked up when you first crossed to the South Market rooftops, you should now have everything you need, and a little more, to make the 3 Stall Repair Kits.

Blocked Alley Supplies

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Rotten Fruit

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Craft Repair Kits

Head to the crafting station setup in the South Market and make the Stall Repair Kits. You can find the creating recipe under Functional Items.

Quest Task: Talk to Aladdin in the South Market.

Quest Task: Craft Stall Repair Kits at the Crafting Station near Aladdin – 3.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Stall Repair

Take the Stall Repair Kits to the broken-down Stalls. One is located on the West side of the South Market and a second is in the Southwest corner. The last Stall is against the wall on the Market’s East side.

Interact with each Broken Stall to begin repairs. It doesn’t take long before they all look good as new!

Quest Task: Use the Stall Repair Kits on the broken South Market stalls – 3.

West Wall

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Good As New

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Southwest Corner Stall

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

East Side Stall

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

An Amulet

While you work on the Stall Repairs, Aladdin continues to brave the storm and search through the debris.

He may have found something, too. It’s an amulet with strange writing on it!

Unfortunately, he can’t make out what it means. Still, Jasmine is good at deciphering things. Maybe she can figure it out!

Take the amulet to Jasmine and see what happens next…

Quest Task: Return to Aladdin in the South Market.

Brave the Storm Pro Tip: Before you leave the South Market, you may want to use your Royal Pickaxe to break the bar on the double doors along East wall. This will create a shortcut from the South Market, across the alley, and directly into the Central Market.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Aladdin Realm Map

It’s not easy to navigate the Aladdin Realm, so we’ve included out rough map to help you along.


Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Adventure Continues

Previous Quest

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Next Quest

Monkey Business

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The adventure in Aladdin’s Realm continues in Monkey Business.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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