Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Curiouser and Curiouser

You’ve entered the Wild Woods, but there are large Inkies blocking the path to all other parts of the Everafter. Looking around the Inkies on the path leading to Teacup Falls gives you a glimpse of colorful and very large mushrooms just beyond. How fascinating! Storybook Vale just gets curiouser and curiouser!!

Updated: 02/07/2025

Getting Rid of the Inkies

It takes 5000 Story Magic to get rid of the large Inkies blocking the entrance to Teapot Falls. However, it’s well worth the effort. This is going to be a fun place to explore.

Quest Task: You’ve cleared away the ink blocking the way, and discovered a new part of Everafter.

  • Explore the Teapot Falls
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Giant Teacups

Hmm, curiouser and curiouser… There are giant broken teacups scattered all over Teapot Falls. What could have happened here?

It also looks like another gateway to a Fairy Tale Trial is in the area. Unfortunately, the broken teacups are blocking the way forward.

Quest Task: The way forward is blocked by those curious giant teacups

  • Take a picture of them

Quest Task: The way is blocked, and there are no clues about how to proceed…

  • Explore the Wild Woods to find a Villager who might be able to help you.
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Gather Information

Check with Flynn and the Lorekeeper.

The Lorekeeper explains that the teacups are a remnant of the argument between Maleficent and Hades. I guess that should come as no surprise.

Strangely enough, she also recalls that a long while ago Aurora wanted to clear the teacups as well. Aurora learned how to do it from the good fairies.

Quest Task: Maybe a Villager who’s spent more time in Everafter knows what these are…

  • Show Flynn the picture.

Quest Task: To clear the way to the Teapot Falls, you’ll need some help from someone knowledgeable…

  • Talk to the Lorekeeper
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Catch Snippets

While the Lorekeeper wrote Aurora’s adventures in her pages, when her magic flew away, so did her memory of what the solution for clearing the teacups was.

Catching Snippets and bringing them to the Lorekeeper might just be what is needed to restore Aurora’s story. Surely her story will tell you how to get rid of the teacups!

Aurora’s Story Puzzle requires 3 different kinds of Snippets. Here is where you can catch them.

Green Frog Snippets

  • The Wild Woods – Everafter
  • Teapot Falls – Everafter

Pink Frog Snippets

  • Teapot Falls – Everafter
  • The Statue’s Shadow – Mythopia

Blue Bird Snippets

  • The Bind

Quest Task: Catch Snippets to restore the story of Aurora to the Lorekeeper’s pages

  • Green Frog Snippets – 10
  • Pink Frog Snippets – 5
  • Blue Bird Snippets – 3
Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Reorder Aurora’s Tale

Catch the required Snippets and talk once again to the Lorekeeper.

Select the Lorekeeper’s dialog option “I want to reorder stories!”. You will find a new Tale puzzle conveniently called “Aurora and the Teapot Falls”.

This puzzle is a 3-star difficulty, which means among other things, that it has more pieces than the very first 1-star puzzle you restored during Welcome to The Storybook Vale.

Once you complete Aurora’s Tale (puzzle), take a good look at the picture.

Quest Task: Restore the Aurora and the Teapot Falls tale to the Lorekeeper’s pages.

Aurora and The Teapot Falls

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Solve the Puzzle

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Finding Completed Tale Pictures

Once you complete Aurora’s Tale (puzzle), take a good look at the picture. It holds a clue to where you will find Aurora’s Notes.

Storybook Tale completed puzzle pictures are found in your Collection Menu.

  • Menu Path: Collection > Storybook Vale > Lorekeeper Tales

Quest Task: Find the bookshelf shown in Aurora’s story in the Bind and search it for Aurora’s Notes.

  • Press + (Switch controls) to access the Collection menu and navigate to the correct section to see your completed Lorekeeper Tales
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Bookshelf in The Bind

Based on Aurora’s puzzle picture, it appears you need to find a bookshelf on the east side of The Bind. It looks like it’s close to the stairs heading up to the Library of Lore.

Curiouser and Curiouser.

Sure enough. Aurora left a note in the bookshelf with instruction on how to make a special potion that will strengthen your Royal Shovel. That should be just what you need to get rid of the teacups!!

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Gather Resources

There are 4 items needed for Aurora’s Teacup Potion. Here is where to find everything.

Sour Berries

  • The Bind

Yellow Tale Cone Flowers

  • The Bind

Volcanic Rock

  • Everafter
  • Mythopia

Slate Gray Rose

  • Teapot Falls
  • Fallen Fortress

Quest Task: Gather the Ingredients from Aurora’s notes:

  • Sour Berries – 5
  • Yellow Tale Cone Flowers – 5
  • Volcanic Rock – 4
  • Slate Gray Rose – 3

Pro Tip: To get more resources when you’re digging, craft some Miracle Shovel Varnish and use it on your shovel. While it won’t guarantee you’ll dig up volcanic rock, you will get more stuff with each shovel stroke. And if you want even more items, take along a friend who has been assigned the Digging Role.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Crafting Teacup Shovel Potion

Head to a nearby crafting station to craft the Teacup Shovel Potion in Aurora’s notes. The crafting recipe will now be under Potion & Enchantment.

Quest Task: Craft the Teacup Shovel Potion.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Teacup Removal

Time for a little Teacup Cleanup!

Open your backpack Inventory and use the potion you just made. Your Royal Shovel is now strong enough to dig up the teacups! You can clear away the debris in Teapot Falls, as well as open the path to the Fairy Tale Trial in that area.

With the path clear, switch to your Royal Net and take a swing at the Wheel Lever.

That’s all it takes to activate the portal which will take you to “Teapot Falls”, the Teapot Falls Fairy Tale Trial.

When you’re ready, step inside… to be continued.

Quest Task: Use the Teacup Shovel Potion in your Inventory.

Quest Task: Return to the Teapot Falls and remove the debris blocking the way.

  • Activate the Fairy Tale Trial using your Royal Net
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Adventures Continue

Previous Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The adventure continues in Teapot Falls.

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Disney Dreamlight Valley Guides

About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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