Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Fine, I’ll Do It Myself

Hades is going to throw a party! It’s a great way to get recognition and everyone loves a good party. Of course, Hades’ party is not just going to be good, it’s going to be fantastic. In fact, the master of delegation is really invested. Did you ever expect him to say Fine, I’ll do it myself? Well, this time he does!

Party Food

Hades is going to throw a great party and as everyone knows, a great party requires great food.

Talk to Tiana about catering the party. She’s willing to help but wants something in return. A little advertising for Tiana’s Palace would sure be helpful in bringing in more guests.

Quest Task: Talk to Tiana.

Quest Task: Talk to Hades about Tiana’s request.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Underworld Gemstones

Party catering for a few Tiana Palace promotional signs, Hades sees that as a fair exchange.

After a little godly magic, Hades hands you some underworld gemstones and instructions. Plant and water the underworld gemstone. They only take 5 minutes to grow into… Signposts?

Now that is a neat trick.

Quest Task: Grow the Underworld Gemstones into signposts for Tiana’s Palace.

  • Plant the Underworld Gemstones in Mythopia – 4
  • Water the Underworld Gemstones and wait 5 minutes to harvest the signposts – 4

Plant & Water

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Harvesting Time

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Decorate Mythopia

Next, Tiana’s signs need to be placed around Mythopia by …

Fine, I’ll do it myself, using the furniture menu to place them.

Quest Task: Decorate Mythopia with the Hades Signposts – 4.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Party Entertainment

A good party also needs entertainment. Hades has a few ideas on that, but wants to hear auditions before he makes his selection.

There are two Villagers Hades wants to hear. Eric is to audition with his flute and Mirabel is to sing.

Quest Task: Talk to Hades about entertainment for his party.

Quest Task: Tag along with Hades as he auditions musicians for his party.

  • Eric’s Flute Audition
  • Mirabel’s Vocal Audition
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Hades the DJ

The auditions did not go well, according to Hades anyway, and that’s all that matters. He has something completely different in mind when it comes to the type of music that he wants played at his party.

So, you suggest Hades find a DJ.

Now this is a new concept for Hades. Being able to control the music would be great. Godly, even!

Did he just say…Fine, I’ll do it myself?!

Well then, gather the materials for the DJ Table before he changes his mind. Here is where to find what you need.


  • Mine in Mythopia
  • Break up Broken Marble Pillars with your Royal Pickaxe

Magma – Mine in Mythopia

Lightning Spice – grows wild in Mythopia

Quest Task: Talk to Hades about the auditions.

Quest Task: Gather resources to make a Corinthian Marble DJ Table.

  • Marble – 15
  • Magma – 20
  • Lightning Spice – 10
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Crafting a Corinthian Marble DJ Table

Go to a nearby crafting station and build a Corinthian Marble DJ Table. The crafting recipe is found under Furniture.

Quest Task: Craft a Corinthian Marble DJ Table.

Quest Task: Bring the Corinthian Marble DJ Table to Hades.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

More Materials Needed

Food, check. Music, check. Now you need to concentrate on Party Invitations.

Hades’ Party Invitations are going to be unique. He is going to write the invitations on Blue Bird Snippets. You just need to catch them!

Blue Bird Snippets fly around The Bind. Luckily for you, they are some of the easiest Snippets to catch.

But that isn’t all that is needed for the invitations. There needs to be a little sparkle and color to them. Yellow Tale Cone Flowers and Opals will add just the right touch to the invitations.

Since both of these items are found in the Bind, gathering some of each will be fairly easy. Opals appear randomly when mining and Yellow Tale Cone Flowers grow wild throughout the Biome.

Quest Task: Make sure you have enough resources for Hades Party Invitations.

  • Blue Bird Snippets – 4
  • Opal – 4
  • Yellow Tale Cone Flowers – 4
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Craft Party Invites

Your crafting station is getting a workout. The crafting recipe for Hades’ Party Invitation is found under Functional Items.

Quest Task: Craft Hades’ Party Invitations – 4.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Party Dress

Everything is ready. Now it’s time to dress for the party!

Quest Task: Meet Hades at the gates to Mount Olympus.

Quest Task: Dress up in Hephaestus-core.

  • Red clothing
  • Yellow clothing
  • Modern clothing

Pro Tip: The Party Clothes requirements will change based on which dialog option you choose during your conversation with Hades.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Party Portal

Hades’s party is being held in the Throne Room of Mount Olympus. To make things easier for his guest, Hades has setup a portal at the entry gates that will transport them directly to the top.

Quest Task: Enter the palace atop Mount Olympus by following the sign with Hades’ face and venture to Hades’ throne room for the party

Quest Task: Reach the party atop Mount Olympus

  • Hades set up a portal at the entrance to the palace to speed people along.
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Music

Hade is ready for his DJ debut.

However, when he gets started, the noise coming out of the DJ’s table is not what you’d call music. When you try to make a suggestion, you once again get, I’ll do it myself.

So, you’re not at all surprised when the Villagers opinions of Hades DJ set are not favorable.

Quest Task: Talk to Hades.

Quest Task: Listen to various Villagers express their feelings about Hades’ DJ set atop Mount Olympus.

  • Scrooge McDuck
  • Flynn
  • Mother Gothel
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Everybody Out

Hades does not take criticism well and orders all the party invitees to leave, except you.

But once again, after blowing off steam, Hades settles down and starts thinking about his next project…hmm, there was that lightning generator…

Better take your DJ Table and run!!

Quest Task: The party is not over! Return to the top of Mount Olympus

Quest Task: See how Hades felt about his performance.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Adventures Continue

Previous Quest

Your Own Personal Hades

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Flynn Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

For more Storybook Vale adventures, check out Flynn’s quest, The Company of the Wolf.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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