Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Lost Memory: Friendship

In Disney Dreamlight Valley’s Fairy Godmother Quest, Miracles Take Time, you enter the Dreamscape where you hope to recover three of The Forgotten’s, well, forgotten memories. The first lost memory to find is the Forgotten Memory: Friendship.

You need to experience the memory, to recover it. Are you prepared to see what the Forgotten worked so hard to forget?

The Gateway

Time to get started. You enter the Dreamscape with the Fairy Godmother. She is acting as your tour guide, as you embark on this journey into The Forgotten’s Memories.

Your first stop is the first portal, a gateway into The Forgotten’s lost memory: Friendship. The Fairy Godmother explains what to expect once you enter the memory, but you’re on your own once you step through the portal. Your next steps are not for the faint of heart.

Quest Task: Talk to the Fairy Godmother at the Gateway.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Entering the Forgotten’s Memory

As you pass through the gateway into the Forgotten Memory: Friendship, you become The Forgotten. What happens next is what they experienced during the span of this lost memory.

There is a reason The Forgotten wants to forget this memory. Prepare yourself for what lies ahead!

Quest Task: Step through the first gate in the Dreamscape to uncover the Forgotten’s lost Memory.

Quest Task: Uncover the Forgotten’s first lost memory in the Dreamscape.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


Mickey is waiting for you, who has now become The Forgotten, when you arrive inside the memory. He is looking for flowers to give to Minnie and wants your advice. You, after all, are the best at picking out the most beautiful flowers!

You, as the Forgotten, aren’t nearly as confident.

Quest Task: See what Mickey wants THIS time.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Gather Flowers

The Forgotten’s mood is dark. The flowers they pick reflect this. They are not beautiful at all!

You, as The Forgotten, head to the nearby Crafting Station and throw together a bouquet from the flowers you gathered. Not your best work, but you don’t seem to care.

Quest Task: Pick some Ugly Flowers to make some kind of bouquet? Ugh. Whatever – 5

Quest Task: Craft a Hideous Bouquet at the Crafting Station near Goofy’s House. (What’s the point in making a nice bouquet anyway?)

Image Credit: IzziBGran/ GamifiedLife, LLC

Give Minnie the Bouquet

With bouquet in hand, seek out Minnie. She’s happy to receive the flowers from Mickey, at first. But she becomes a little perplexed at the sight of them.

Just before The Forgotten leaves, Minnie asks if everything is alright. The Forgotten doesn’t really answer.

Quest Task: Make sure you have the Hideous Bouquet in your inventory.

Quest Task: Find Minnie by the Pillar and give her the Hideous Bouquet. (Because you have to do EVERYTHING around here).

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Let Mickey Know It’s Done

After The Forgotten delivers the bouquet to Minnie, they inform Mickey that the task is done. Mickey is slightly surprised. He planned to take care of giving the Flowers to Minnie himself. Oh, well.

You may have thought you were done, but there seems to be more to do. Mickey lets The Forgotten know that Goofy has been looking for them. What next?

Quest Task: Return to Mickey.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


Goofy has just finished fishing and has a particularly good catch. He would love it if you’d make a bowl of Bouillabaisse for the two of you to share! He’ll supply the fresh shrimp if you can gather the rest of the ingredients.

Quest Task: Now Goofy wants something? Sigh. Better speak to him too.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC


There are four additional ingredients needed to make the Bouillabaisse Goofy requested. The ingredients The Forgotten gathers, however, are not nearly as fresh as they should be.

Not really caring about the outcome, The Forgotten heads to a Cooking Station and whips up the dish.

If there ever was food that needed to be recalled, this would be it! Hopefully Goofy has a strong stomach! Yuck!

Quest Task: Uncover the Forgotten’s first Lost Memory in the Dreamscape by finding:

  • A Rotten Carrot – 1
  • A Rotten Tomato – 1
  • Rotten Clam – 2

Quest Task: Cook a Nasty Bouillabaisse.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Meal for Goofy

I’m not sure about the strength of Goofy’s stomach, but he has a great nose! Goofy gets one whiff of the strange concoction you whipped up and very tactfully tells you he’ll save it for later.

Quest Task: Make sure you have the Nasty Bouillabaisse in your inventory.

Quest Task: Bring the Nasty Bouillabaisse to Goofy.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


Just as you finish with Goofy, Minnie beckons you over for a chat. She tries one more time to have a heart-to-heart talk with The Forgotten. When that doesn’t seem to work, she leaves you with a final thought. She just wants The Forgotten to know that they’re loved!

Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell if Minnie’s comment has any impact. It seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

Quest Task: Uncover the Forgotten’s first lost Memory in the Dreamscape:

  • Minnie wants to talk to you … again.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC

Forgotten Memory: Friendship

The Memory ends here and you are returned to the Fairy Godmother in the Dreamscape. The Memory of Friendship Orb is now sitting on its’ pedestal, ready to be retrieved.

Quest Task: Return to the Fairy Godmother in the Dreamscape.

Quest Task: Collect the Memory of Friendship from the Pedestal.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Discuss Events in the Memory

After collecting the Memory of Friendship Orb, you return to the Fairy Godmother and share with her what you saw and felt in the lost memory: Friendship.

Quest Task: Talk to the Fairy Godmother about what you learned.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Continue the Adventure

Previous Step

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Step

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Advance to the next Lost Memory Sub-Quest in the storyline, “Forgotten Memories: Trust“, to continue the adventure.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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