Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Mount Olympus

Three Mythic Trials are complete. The Gates to Mount Olympus in Disney Dreamlight Valley’s Storybook Vale are open. Hades is rushing on ahead, beckoning you to follow. He isn’t home yet! What trials and puzzles lie within those gates before Hades is back on his throne? You’re about to find out.

Explore the Biome

The Entrance to Mount Olympus Biome is open, and Hades is anxious to continue through the gates of Mount Olympus…

Yes, this is a bit confusing. This section of Mythopia is called Mount Olympus, but Hades’ home in the clouds is also called Mount Olympus, which is surely how the Biome Mount Olympus got its’ name. Hmm, we could have fun with this… Hades lives on Mount Olympus, in Mount Olympus which is …Okay, I’ll stop.

Back to our quest. Check out the area and head to the gates leading to… Mount Olympus.

Quest Task: Explore Mount Olympus.

Quest Task: Explore Mythopia and complete the three Mythic Trials to reach Mount Olympus.

  • Guts & Glory
  • The Promethean Flame
  • Losing Your Marbles
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Enter Mount Olympus

Pass through the gates at the top of the stairs leading to Hades’ Home in the clouds.

The gates are actually a portal. You find yourself transported to a balcony with another set of stairs and another closed gate. Hades is waiting for you at the base of the stairs.

Quest Task: Enter Mount Olympus.

Quest Task: Find Hades and talk to him.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

How to Open the Gates

Remember the cart of vases Hades had you move in your first Mythic Trial, Guts & Glory? Well, you are about to see why Hades found them so important.

The vases are the key to opening the gates. There are pressure plates on the pedestals positioned on each side of the stairs. The weight of the vases on the pedestals triggers a mechanism that controls the gates. When both vases are in place, the gates will swing open.

There is just one minor little problem. There are no vases.

Time to look around.

Quest Task: Find two more Vases deeper in Mount Olympus – 2.

Quest Task: Find a way to open the first gates.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Find Two Vases

The balcony that you are standing on is fairly large. On one side is a broken pillar.

Tucked behind the pillar in the middle of some large rock piles is a vase. Use your Royal Pickaxe to get rid of the rock piles and grab the vase.

Now check the other side of the balcony. A bridge has sunken into the clouds. This is a job for your Royal Fishing Rod.

Pro Tip: You do not need to hit the middle of the fishing circle to snag the bridge. Getting close to the circle works.

Behind the Pillar

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Sunken Bridge

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Open the Gates

Place the vases on the two pedestals at the base of the stairs and the gates at the top swing open.

Head up the stairs and through the gates.

Quest Task: Follow Hades.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Rotating Platform

Grab the treasure chest on the left and proceed over the bridge in front of you to where Hades is standing. Next to him is a Horizontal Wheel Lever, which controls the rotating platform you are now standing on along with the bridge you just crossed.

Quest Task: Talk to Hades.

Quest Task: Find a way to rotate the platform.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Rotate the Platform

Pull out your Royal Net and give it a swing. The platform rotates 1/4 turn, connecting with another bridge and rotating platform.

Cross to the second rotating platform and swing at the Horizontal Wheel Lever on it.

This second platform and bridge stops rotating when it comes in contact with a tall stack of marble sitting on the balcony below. That was handy. The bridge stopped in just the right spot. You can now cross it to reach the next balcony.

Quest Task: Find a way to rotate the platform.

Quest Task: Follow Hades.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

More Vases to Find

The balcony you just reached has stairs leading down to a series of walkways below.

Head down the stairs and grab the treasure from the treasure chest immediately ahead. Then turn your attention to the puzzle on this level.

You need to find more vases if you are going to proceed much farther into Mount Olympus. But it appears they are well hidden.

Take note of the two discs located on this level with a light beam path between them. A cart, which holds the tall block of Marble that stopped the bridge, sits on one of the discs. A Vase is tucked behind the rock piles and broken pillar which surrounds the cart of Marble.

Remove the rock piles with your pickaxe and grab the vase.

Interact with the cart of Marble to send it to the other disc. This moves it out of the way and allows the rotating bridge above you to continue, well, rotating.

Return to the stairs and head up to the rotating platform above. Hades is still waiting for you there.

Quest Task: Hades and (you) labored to find the vases to help them reach their goals. Well, (you) labored, while Hades looked on.

  • Find two more Vases deeper in Mount Olympus – 2.
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Next Vase

Swing your Royal Net at the Horizontal Wheel Lever two (2) times. The platform’s bridge will now align to the opposite balcony.

The next vase is straight ahead, but the walkway to it is a step up and too high for you to cross.

A Water Wheel sits in front of the walkway. Use your Royal Watering Can to pour water onto the Water Wheel. This causes the walkway to lower into place, so you can cross to the vase beyond.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Lower the Drawbridge

Cross back over the walkway and head to the raised drawbridge. A simple lever is on its’ right. Pull the lever down and the drawbridge will lower into place.

Head across the drawbridge to reach the base of the next wide stairway leading up to another closed Golden Gate. Empty pedestals sit on each side of the stairs. One is surrounded by large Rock Piles. It looks like you have a little cleanup to do before you can set the vases in place.

Quest Task: Lower the bridge.

Quest Task: Cross the bridge.

First Drawbridge

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Path to Golden Gates

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Open the Second Golden Gates

Clear the rock piles from around the base on the right pedestal with your Royal Pickaxe. Then, place the vases from your Backpack Inventory on the two pedestals.

The second set of Golden Gates opens.

Quest Task: Find a way to open the second gate.

Reach the Stairs

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Second Golden Gates

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Through the Second Golden Gates

Head up the stairs and through the gate. Hades is waiting for you in front of two smaller closed gates a short distance away.

Initially, it looks like you can reach him by going directly across the walkway in front of you. However, as you move forward, you realize that this is not the case.

The walkway turns to the left, instead of meeting the balcony on which Hades stands. Continue to follow the it as it winds around, leading you down and up several flights of stairs. Be sure to grab the treasure chest at the top of the stairs as you go.

The final stretch of the walkway passes above the closed gates behind Hades and ends with a staircase that descends to the balcony where Hades stands.

It’s a rather round about path, but you finally made it!

Quest Task: Follow Hades.

Path to Hades

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Surprising Turn

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Circle

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Broken Wheel Lever

Having reached the closed gates, face them and assess the situation. There is a cart of Marble just behind the gate on the left. The path behind the right gate appears to be unblocked. A broken Wheel Lever stands to the right of both gates.

Looking around, you can spot the Wheel for the Lever on a small balcony nearby. The walkway connecting the two balconies is sunken in the cloud.

Your Royal Fishing Rod is getting a workout, but it’s more than up to the task. Cast it into the mist and pull up the walkway.

Cross over and grab the wheel. Don’t miss the treasure chest to its’ side. You gained the ability to remove the fire blocking the chest in A Moth to a Flame, so they should pose no problem for you now.

Quest Task: Talk to Hades.

Quest Task: Find a way to raise the first gate.

The Gates

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Sunken Walkway

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Repair the Lever

Take the Wheel back to the gates and repair the Vertical Wheel Lever. When you swing your Royal Net at the Lever, both of the gates swing open.

Before heading through the right gate, interact with the cart of Marble on the left. It moves across the light beam path behind it to a currently out of reach disc. Still, moving the cart of Marble now is going to save you a lot of backtracking later on.

Quest Task: Follow Hades.

Quest Task: Talk to Hades.

Repaired Wheel Lever

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Move the Marble

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Second Drawbridge

Head through the gates on the right and follow the walkway.

Before long, you will come to a raised drawbridge. The Lever that controls it is a few steps further down the path, behind some rocks. Remove the rocks with your Royal Pickaxe and pull the lever down.

The drawbridge is broken! It does lower, but it doesn’t stop. It continues to drop until it hits the floor below.

Raise the drawbridge again, by pulling up on the lever, and continue on.

You are going to need to find something to hold the drawbridge up if you want to move across it. And you do need to cross it if you want to get to the top of Mount Olympus.

Quest Task: Find a way to open the second drawbridge.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Reach the Marble Cart

At the drawbridge’s lever, the walkway opens to a wider balcony where Hades is waiting. To his right is a staircase leading down to a treasure chest and a cart of Marble. As you approach the Marble cart, you can see that it is blocking the path to a vase.

Interact with the Marble cart to move it out of the way and further along the light beam path. This takes the Marble cart under the walkway, and the broken drawbridge, to a disc on the other side.

Pick up the vase that was behind the Marble cart and head back up the stair to the drawbridge. Try the Lever again. This time the drawbridge is held up by the Block of Marble.


Pro Tip: The treasure chest at the bottom of the stairs is surrounded by Glowing Mushrooms. You gain the ability to dissolve the Glowing Mushrooms in Flynn’s quest, An Old-Fashioned Heist. If you don’t have that ability now, remember this location and return later.

Blocking a Vase

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Move it Along

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Cross the Drawbridge

Head across the drawbridge to the base of the stairs on the other side.

Look around before going up the stairs in front of you. This area looks remarkably similar to the one you just left.

To the right are two closed gates and a Vertical Wheel Lever. This time, however, the Vertical Wheel Lever sits between the two gates instead of on the right.

A cart holding a block of Marble is once again sitting behind the left closed gate. (Incidentally, this is the same cart of Marble that was sitting behind the left gate in the first area. It stopped here when you pushed it along the light beam path.)

The staircase directly ahead of you leads to a walkway that passes above the two gates. At the very top of the stairs, you can see a vase sitting at the end of the walkway to your left.

Quest Task: Cross the drawbridge.

A Stable Bridge

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Similar Setup

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Vase on the Left

Ascend the stairs.

As you reach the top, it becomes clear that the vase is not reachable. Instead of being directly to your left at the top of the stairs, it’s on another small balcony, which sits directly across from the walkway you are currently standing on.

To make it even more puzzling, there is no way to cross to the balcony containing the vase. You need to find a way to create a bridge between you and the small balcony.

Remember this spot. You are going to have to come back for the vase.

For now, continue on.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Open the Two Gates

Follow the walkway and descend the steps at the end. You have now circled around to the balcony with the 2 closed gates.

Grab the treasure chest, waiting for you along one railing and head to the Vertical Wheel Lever. Swing your royal Net at it and the gates will open.

Interact with the cart of Marble to push it along the light beam path behind it. The Cart of Marble stops on a disc directly between the small balcony containing the vase and the raised walkway. You have your bridge!!

Quest Task: Find a way to raise the second gate.

Activate the Wheel Lever

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Move it Along

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Get That Vase!

Go back up the steps to your newly created bridge and the Vase!

Cross to the small balcony. There is still one more obstacle to overcome before you can reach the vase. Large rock piles surround it. But they are no match for your trusty Royal Pickaxe.

Pound away at the rock piles and reduce them to rubble. The Vase is yours!

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Through the Right Gate

With both vases in your Backpack Inventory, return to the two gates. Head through the gate on the right and meet up with Hades.

Before you is another wide staircase leading to a huge Golden Gate. You are finally standing at the entrance to Hades’ Throne Room at the top of Mount Olympus.

Quest Task: Find two more Vases deeper in Mount Olympus – 2.

Quest Task: Follow Hades.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Open the Final Golden Gates

Place the two vases on the pedestals on either side of the wide staircase. The gates to the Throne Room swing open.

Quest Task: Find a way to open the third gate.

Quest Task: Capture the Demon Snippet inside the throne room.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Catch Snippets

As you enter the Throne Room, a dark Demon Snippet whizzes by. Chase it with your Royal Net.

These Demon Snippets are tough. When you hit it with your Royal Net, it races off and the chase is on.

You will need to hit it with your net and chase it a total of 8 times before it is caught. Oh, and try not to miss! If you do, the count starts over!

When you finally have the dark Demon Snippet caught, two more appear in the room.

Oh, well. At least you know what to do. Swing and chase each of these 8 times and they, too, will be yours.

Quest Task: More Snippets have appeared.

Quest Task: Capture the Demon Snippets inside the throne room – 2.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

No Apology Forthcoming

Now that Hades is back in his Throne Room on Mount Olympus, it’s time to talk about Maleficent. Unfortunately, that conversation does not prove very productive. Hades refuses to apologize.

Since Maleficent also refuses to apologize you need some new ideas.

Head back to the Bind. You need to consult The Lorekeeper!

Quest Task: Talk to Hades.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Adventures Continue

Previous Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The adventure continues in A Long Awaited Invitation.

Pro Tip: Lost track of all the Treasure Chests you had to leave behind before your Royal Tools were all updated. We can help! Check out our guide: All Blocked Treasure Chests in Storybook Vale Trials.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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