Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Mysterious Mickey

Strange things are occurring on Eternity Isle of Disney Dreamlight Valley. Or more correctly, more strange things are happening! Plus, there is a mysterious Mickey walking about. He’s all black and white! You must stop things from getting worse! And so, A Rift in Time, ACT III begins!

Mickey Turns Black and White

Things are escalating on Eternity Isle. Time Rifts are opening all over the island. More things are turning black and white, including Mickey. Oddly enough, this mysterious Mickey looks an awful lot like the Mickey from Steamboat Willie!

Jafar is using the Spack of Imagination to change Eternity Isle. He must be stopped. But you’ll need help. You have to find Merlin!

Quest Task: Some pretty weird things are happening around Eternity Isle.

  • Talk to Merlin on Eternity Isle.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Talk to Mysterious Mickey

Merlin sends you to find out more information about what is happening to Mickey. From what Merlin can gather, Mickey seems to be caught somewhere between the present and the past.

Mickey is concerned. He’s finding himself flickering in and out, landing on a completely different island, a black and white one.

Quest Task: Talk to Mickey.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Secret Entrance

Your conversation with Mickey confirmed Merlin’s suspicions. Jafar is tampering with time, causing the Isle to leak into the past. Jafar must be stopped before more Villagers are affected!

Luckily for you, Merlin has found a secret back entrance into the Palace where Jafar is hiding. But when you reach it, you find it blocked by a very large and strong Rift in Time!

Quest Task: Return to Merlin.

Quest Task: Follow Merlin to the secret entrance in the Promenade on Eternity Isle.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Merlin’s Theory

There doesn’t seem to be a way forward, but Merlin has a theory!

He believes that all the rifts are connected to each other and also to the Spark of Imagination. So, in theory, if you close the smaller Rifts in Time, it should weaken this big one enough for you to be able to seal it!

But alas, these are not normal Rifts in Time. Your hourglass will not work on them. You’ll need to connect with the Spark and the only way to do that is by using your Imagination!

Where is Figment when we need him!!

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Aid From Oswald

You need help if you’re going to manage to close the smaller Time Rifts on Eternity Isle.

Oswald has a very unique way of looking at things and has been on the island a long time. Perhaps he has some insight into how to close these Time Rifts.

Quest Task: Talk to Oswald.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

How to Close a Time Rift

Oswald was a wealth of information. He has been experimenting with the Time Rifts himself and found the key to closing them.

Just use your imagination to create something unique, throw it into the Time Rift, and then focus your thoughts on it closing. He did this with the Time Rift that opened close to him and Bam! It closed!!

But there’s a catch. Oswald tried the same technique on another Time Rift, and nothing happened. It seems each Time Rift needs a different person’s imagination to close it.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Use Your Imagination Everyone

It’s time to get help from all the Villagers of Eternity Isle, as well as Mickey himself. This could take some time. Not all of the Villagers have great imaginations, at least not that you’ve seen. After all, Gaston lives on Eternity Isle! Do we need to say any more?

However, since you want to save the Mysterious Mickey from remaining in his mysterious form, you best get to work on helping the Villagers fine tune (or find) their Imaginations!

Talk with each of the Villagers. When you do, the following Sub-Quests will trigger and appear in your quest list.

Quest Task: Talk to the following Villagers about the rifts around Eternity Isle

  • Rapunzel
  • Gaston
  • EVE
  • Mickey

Pro Tip: You need to complete all the Use Your Imagination Sub-Quests before this quest will continue. However, you can complete them in any order you choose.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Power of Imagination

With the help of each of the Villager’s Imagination, you are able to close 4 of the Time Rifts that opened around Eternity Isle. Hopefully that is enough to weaken the large Time Rift blocking the back entrance to the Palace.

Follow Merlin to the Palace’s secret entrance and see once again the power of Imagination at work!

Quest Task: Return to Merlin.

Quest Task: Follow Merlin to the secret entrance in the Promenade on Eternity Isle.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Entrance is Clear!

It worked. The Time Rift blocking the entrance is closed and the path is clear.

Look out Jafar! You’re coming in!!

Quest Task: Talk to Merlin.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Adventure Continues

Previous Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The adventure continues in Merlin’s Quest: The Palace of Time.

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Disney Dreamlight Valley Guides

About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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