Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Ancient Doorway

While swimming around the Mystical Cave in Disney Dreamlight Valley, Ariel found a mysterious door. The Ancient Doorway has a lot of interesting carvings on it. Ariel would like your help figuring out where the ancient doorway leads.

A Mysterious Door

The Ancient Doorway that Ariel found in the Mystical Cave is very strange. There is no visible way to open the door, yet it does look like someone has tried based on the scratches on the side of it.

Ariel found one more thing near the ancient doorway. It’s an old Stone Slab containing carvings that are similar to those on the door. There must be someone who can help you figure out what the carvings mean.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Stone Slab

Take the Stone Slab to Merlin.

He recognizes the carvings as ancient runes. There are similar runes in various other places in Dreamlight Valley and Merlin has been working to decipher them. So, he may be able to help decipher the runes on the Stone Slab.

After a short deliberation, Merlin comes up with the translation. The runes on the Stone Slab are indeed the key to opening the door in the Mystical Cave. However, the door cannot be opened by just one person. To pass through the Ancient Doorway, you’ll need to work with other Villagers to enchant the Stone Slab with emotions.

Quest Task: Talk to Merlin about the Stone Slab.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Enchanting a Stone Slab – Joy

You and Ariel have quite an interesting project ahead of you, if you want to open the door inside the Mystical Cave.

According to Merlin, you need to have four different Villagers hold the Slab while feeling particularly strong emotions. But not just any emotions. You need someone with Fiery Passion, Seething Anger, Perfect Joy and Exuberant Excitement.

As you explain Merlin’s findings, Ariel becomes very excited. She can help enchant the Stone Slab with Joy!

Ariel recounts how she felt when you rescued her from the desert island! Sure enough, the Stone Slab starts to glow.

Only three more emotions to go!

Quest Task: Bring the Stone Slab to Ariel.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


Remy has a great passion for cooking.

Track him down, hand him the Stone Slab and ask him to share some of his cooking experiences.

As Remy talks about the first time he tasted fine cuisine, and how it led to him becoming a great chef, another spot on the Stone Stab begins to glow.

This is going quite well!

Quest Task: Bring the Stone Slab to Remy and talk about his passions.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


Moana takes the Stone Slab and talks about the excitement she feels when she’s out on the ocean.

As she does, another part of the Slab lights up.

One more to go.

Quest Task: Bring the Stone Slab to Moana and talk about excitement.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC


The next emotion is a little more complicated to obtain. You need someone to feel anger, but don’t want to do something to cause it.

Hmm. Perhaps you can trick Ursula into helping with this one…

Sure enough. You simply mention Ariel’s name to Ursula, and she starts to seethe. The Stone Slab’s last section began to glow.

Thanks Ursula!

Quest Task: Bring the Stone Slab to Ursula and talk about anger.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Opening the Door

Take the fully glowing Stone Slab into the Mystical Cave and head to the Ancient Doorway. There is an indentation in the door that the Stone Slab fits in perfectly.

Quest Task: Figure out where to place the Stone Slab in the Mystical Cave.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Mystical Crystal

As soon as the Stone Slab is in place, the Ancient Doorway slides open to reveal a small alcove. Inside is a shining crystal.

Quest Task: Pick up the Mystical Crystal.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Glowing Runes

Show Ariel the Crystal that was hidden in the Mystical Cave. She actually recognizes it, in a way.

There were similar crystals on some of the artifacts she found on the desert island that she inhabited during The Forgetting.

Some of the artifacts she even brought back with her and look! All the runes on the artifacts she brought back are now glowing!!

Quest Task: Meet with Ariel at her House.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Adventure Continues

Previous Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Quest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

The Search for Eric continues with Ursula’s Quests, starting with Lair Sweet Lair.

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About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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