Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
The Ancient Revealed
A new symbol has appeared on one of the many Dream Castle doors in Disney Dreamlight Valley. The door leads into Aladdin’s Realm, a place brimming with ancient mysteries. Enter the Aladdin Realm and you’ll soon have the Ancient revealed.
Updated: 03/06/2025
Quest Trigger:
Quest first appears with Update 15 – February 26, 2025
Unlock the Castle Door:
Aladdin Realm
15,000 Dreamlight
Dreamlight Valley
Resources you will use during this quest.
- none
Ingredients you will use during this quest.
- none
Dream Castle Doors
The left door on the top floor of Dream Castle has suddenly changed. There’s a symbol on it, which can only mean one thing. A new realm has connected with Dreamlight Valley!
At closer inspection, it becomes clear that the door leads to the Aladdin Realm. It will take 15,000 Dreamlight to remove the Night Thorns blocking the doorway. However, the cost is going to be worth it to see what ancient mysteries are to be revealed within.
Open the door to the Aladdin Realm and step through!
Quest Task: Enter the Aladdin Realm.
The Ancient Revealed Pro Tip: For ease of directions, let’s establish that the portal from Dream Castle places you on the south side of Aladdin’s Realm. Later in the quest, you’ll be able to occasionally see Jamine’s Palace in the far north.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Agrabah Market
As you enter the Aladdin Realm, you find yourself just outside the South Entrance to the Agrabah Market. There are some Sandstone deposits nearby, but they are too strong for your pickaxe to remove.
Move forward, through the arch and into Agrabah Market’s center. You can see Jasmine just up ahead, looking at a huge cyclone of sand rising up from a large hole in the middle of the marketplace. The path to her is blocked by more hard Sandstone deposits.
It’s time to take to the rooftops!
Quest Task: Enter the Agrabah market.
Quest Task: The way to Jasmine is blocked!
- Think like Aladdin and find a way across rooftops using the environment.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
The Rooftop Path
Since you can’t move north, head into the short alley to the west of the Market’s entrance.
You will see a ramp that leads to a small platform. A long plank rests against the back side of the platform.
Go up the ramp and push over the plank, by interacting with it. The plank will form a second ramp to the nearby rooftop. Continue up the new ramp.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Break the Scaffolding
Cross the rooftop until you come to some unstable scaffolding. Use your pickaxe to cause the scaffolding to drop. It will form a ramp that allows you to descend to the ground.
Take note of the treasure chest that is visible through the archway just ahead. The entrance is blocked by Sandstone, so you can’t get to the chest yet. However, you do want to come back and retrieve it later.
Unstable Scaffolding

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Treasure Chest

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Head North
Look to your right. There is another ramp, square platform and plank setup nearby. Go up the ramp, knock over the plank and proceed up to the next roof. You’ll find yourself at one end of a long rooftop balcony.
Move along the rooftop balcony. You are now heading north.
Pass through the balcony’s archway. There is a blocked staircase on your right, so all you can do is keep going north until you reach another unstable scaffolding structure.
Use your pickaxe to create a ramp out of the scaffolding and proceed down it to the ground level.
Turn North

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
A Rooftop Balcony

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

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NW Corner

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Dust Devils
When you reach the ground, you find yourself in the Northwest corner of Agrabah. There is a path leading into the Artisan District from here. It’s just to the Southeast of the bottom of the ramp you just used, but it’s blocked by Sandstone deposits. This means that the only way forward is to continue to follow the alley, which now turns to the east.
That is not so simple, however. There are moving Dust Devils, three to be exact, making passage more dangerous. Lucky for you, touching them will not cause any harm, but it will force you back to a safe location. This will cause you to retrace your steps, so it’s best to avoid them if possible.
Tutorial Time: Evade – Avoid Obstacles, Evade – Try again if you fail.
Quest Task: Go through the back alleys by evading the dust devils.
- Watch out! If you touch them, you’ll be thrown back to a previous area.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Dust Devils

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Pattern of Movement
Watch the Dust Devils before moving forward. Each one moves in a different repeating pattern.
Once you know where the Dust Devil will go, wait until it moves to one side. Then skirt past it on the other.
There is room to pause between each Dust Devil. So, just concentrate on getting past one of them at a time. You don’t have to try to skirt past all three at once.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Continue to the East
Once you pass the 3 Dust Devils, your path is clear.
Continue down the alley, heading east along the Northern-most wall of buildings bordering Aladdin’s Realm.
You will pass an intersecting alley on your right. It leads directly into the Central Market where Jasmine is standing, but it’s currently blocked by Sandstone deposits.
A little further along the alley, is a path leading to your left. A small sand cyclone blocks the entrance. Take note of the location. It’s nothing you need for this quest, but you will need to come back here later.
Continue down the alley until it ends, at the pile of rotten fruit, and turn south.
Alley to Central Market

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Small Sand Cyclone

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
East of the Central Market
The alley you just entered, heading south, is taking you along the outside of the eastern wall of the Central Market.
Before long, you pass the entrance to an alley on your left. This alley heads further east but is blocked by a Dust Devil and Sandstones deposits. You’ll find out later that this area is known as the “South Alley”. Ignore it for now. You’ll be back.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Enter the Central Market
Proceed south until the alley widens and you can go no further.
Debris and a broken cart block the southern path. To your left and right are double doors leading into new sections of Agrabah. The doors on the east side are barred from the other side. The doors on the west side of the alley, however, are barred from this side.
Use your Royal Pickaxe to break the bar across the doors. It opens into the Central Market. The Large Sand Cyclone is directly ahead, but there is room to safely walk around it.
You can finally reach Jasmine!!
Quest Task: Continue traveling through the back alleys
- Reach Jasmine in the market.
Break the Bar

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Entrance to the Central Market

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Meet Jasmine
After brief introductions, Jasmine tells you about the ancient, revealed tower that is floating in the sky.
She was having a new fountain built and the excavators uncovered an ancient, buried vault, which broke open and revealed the tower. The Tower flew into the air and called the sandstorms, creating havoc in Agrabah! They now call the ancient, revealed tower, the Windcaller.
Aladdin and the Magic Carpet went looking for a way to stop the winds. But neither have returned!
The Carpets whereabouts are known. It, unfortunately, is caught in the Sand Cyclone in the center of the Market. Jasmine isn’t sure what happened to Aladdin. He must be trapped by debris somewhere.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Blocked Again
Jasmine has been trying to find Aladdin but keeps on getting stopped by all the incredibly tough Sandstone deposits created by the ancient, revealed Windcaller.
You have been trying to remove the Sandstones as well! But unfortunately, your Royal Pickaxe just isn’t up to the task. If only there was a way to make it stronger!
Ah, but you’re in luck! Jasmine wants to check the Artisan District. There may be something there that you can use to strengthen it.
Since both of the direct routes to the Artisan District are… you guessed it… blocked by Sandstone, it’s back to the rooftops for you!
Quest Task: Follow Jasmine to the Artisans’ District.
Quest Task: Talk to Jasmine.
Fountain Area in Artisan District

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Entrance to Artisan District Markets

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Make a Ramp
On the northwest side of the Central Market is a barrel, square platform and a vertical plank setup. This time, however, you need to create a ramp to reach the square platform. But, once that is done, the plank should fall over, creating a second ramp that will allow you to reach the rooftop.
It appears you need three pieces of wood to make the lower ramp. One is leaning against the wall on the west side of the ramp setup. Check around the Central Market for the others.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Finding The Planks
Stay on the west side of the Central Market and walk along the wall heading back south to where you first met Jasmine. As you go, watch for a sparkling digging spot with just a small piece of wood sticking out of it.
Dig in the spot and a plank will pop out. Nice!
Continue south, still staying on the west side of the Central Market and the large Sand Cyclone. In the southwest corner, close to the blocked front entrance to the Market, is another ramp, platform, plank setup which leads to a rooftop area. A Dust Devil is moving around on the roof.
Go up the ramp and skirt around to the right of the Dust Devil. It’s hard to see at first, but there is a plank leaning against the wall of the building up there. Grab the plank and skirt back around the Dust Devil to reach the ramp which will take you back to ground level.
You now have 3 planks in your inventory.
Quest Task: Use planks to reach the rooftops leading to the Artisans’ District.
Quest Task: Return to the Aladdin Realm.
Dig on west side

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Ramp to Dust Devil & Plank

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Reach the Roof
Return to Jasmine. Interact with the barrel near her to create a ramp with the 3 planks. Move up the new ramp to the platform, knock over the plank and proceed up to the rooftop.
Since you can’t go right at this time, turn left (west). Pass under the archway and grab the treasure chest at the far end of the roof.
Backtrack just a little to the unstable scaffolding. Use your Royal Pickaxe to turn the scaffolding into a ramp, which will take you to the ground level and into the North side of the Artisan District.
Quest Task: Make your way across the rooftops to enter the Artisans’ District.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Unstable Scaffolding

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Artisans’ Alloy
Jasmine follows you across the rooftop and into the Artisan District. There she tells you about Artisans’ Alloy.
Artisans’ Alloy is a metal that the metalworkers use to make really strong tools. Since it’s fairly valuable, it is usually stored in chests for safe keeping. There is, in fact, a chest containing some along the west wall of this section of the Artisan’s District.
The upgrade to your Royal Pickaxe will require more Artisans’ Alloy than the single ingot contained in that chest, however. So, check around Aladdin’s Realm for more chests containing the Artisans’ Alloy. You will need to leave the immediate area and create plank bridges to reach them all.
Quest Task: Talk to Jasmine in the Artisans’ District.
Quest Task: Find pieces of Artisans’ Alloy in the market chests.
- Continue using planks to navigate the roofs

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Planks and Chests
So, start your search.
Grab the wide plank leaning against the wall next to the crafting station in the Artisan District and dig up the plank that is buried in the ground just in front of it. Now, head back up the ramp to the rooftop.
Move back along the rooftop to the east, but instead of going back down into the Central Market, continue to the east side of the roof. Use the plank you just obtained to make a bridge across to the roof of the building to your east.
Cross the plank and look immediately to your right. An Artisans Chest is sitting in the corner, and another plank is leaning against the rooftop railing. Grab the chest contents and the plank before continuing along the roof.
Bypass the huge barrel and follow the rooftop balcony as it turns to the right.
This end of the rooftop balcony circles around, creating a sort of U shape. There is a short covered pass-through at the bottom of the U. Another plank is leaning against the wall in the pass-through. Take it with you.
Two Planks

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC
Create Bridge

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Chest and Plank

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Final Plank

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Move the Barrel
Return to the large barrel that you bypassed just moments before. It is blocking a broken staircase leading down to an Artisan’s Chest.
Interact with the barrel and it will roll forward. Use the planks you’ve collected to create a ramp down to the Artisans’ Chest. Open it and grab the contents.
The Ancient Revealed Pro Tip: There is a set of double doors in front of you at the base of the ramp leading to the Artisan’s Chest. Use your pickaxe to remove the bar locking the doors in place. While this is not strictly needed for you to proceed with the quest, it will create a shortcut into the Central Market. This will come in handy during future quests.
Move the Barrel

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Ramp Building

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Unbar the Door

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Crafting a Royal Pickaxe Upgrade
Return to Jasmine, who is still waiting near the crafting station in the Artisan District.
You can either retrace your steps by heading up the ramp behind you or you can go through the double doors to the Central Market. Once in the Central Market, take the ramp you created on the north end, to reach the rooftop walkway. Both options will take you to the ramp that leads back down into the Artisan District.
Take the 3 pieces of Artisans’ Alloy to the crafting station. The crafting recipe for the Royal Pickaxe upgrade is found under Potion & Enchantment.
Quest Task: Return to Jasmine in the Artisans’ District.
Quest Task: Assemble the upgrade for your Royal Pickaxe at the Crafting Station near Jasmine.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Break the Sandstone
Use the Artisans’ Alloy Pickaxe Upgrade in your Backpack Inventory to apply the upgrade to the Royal Pickaxe. You are now ready to tackle the extremely strong Sandstone deposits!
Jasmine wants you to open the path between the north end of the Artisan’s District and the Central Market. It’s a great place to try out your upgraded Royal Pickaxe and as expected, it works great! The Sandstone deposits break down easily and leave Sand and… what’s this?
It appears you have a new resource. The Sandstone deposits leave behind Sand and Gold Shards!
The upgraded Royal Pickaxe creates all sorts of adventuring possibilities! You can now go back and break down all the Sandstone deposits that blocked your path… or… you can continue with your quest to find Aladdin.
Jasmine, of course, wants you to find Aladdin. She runs off to the, not so south, South Alley, beckoning you to follow.
Quest Task: Use the Pickaxe upgrade for your Royal Pickaxe.
Quest Task: Break Large sandstone deposits near Jasmine using your improved Pickaxe to help her leave the Artisans’ District – 3

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC
The South Alley?
They call it the “South” Alley.
I suppose, it is south of the Palace, and it is south of the alley that skirts the North wall of Alladin’s Realm. But, if you create a map of Aladdin’s Realm, making the portal from Dream Castle the South point, as we have, this alley is actually on the far east side of the Realm.
The “South Alley” is the alley we passed just before we got to the double doors leading to the Central Market, on our way to reach Jasmine for the very first time. At that point, the alley entrance was blocked by Sandstones and a Dust Devil, so we just walked past. (see “Continue to the East” above).

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Forward! To the South Alley!
Still, regardless of what it is called, we need to go to the “South Alley” and it’s much easier to reach now that we’ve upgraded our Royal Pickaxe.
Head through the newly cleared archway from the Artisan District into the Central Market. Continue across the Central Market to the east wall. There are now 2 open doorways along that east wall. You want to go through the southern one, which is directly across from the large sand Cyclone. It will lead into the alley just on the other side of the east wall.
Head north. Yes, north. Although, really, it’s the only way you can go in that alley, as all other directions are blocked. You’ll soon come to Jasmine and the “South Alley”, which leads off to the east…
Ok, I’ve had enough fun with this, I’ll move on.
Quest Task: Follow Jasmine to the South Alley.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
Clear the Entrance
Use the Royal Pickaxe to clear the Sandstone from the alley entrance. Grab the goody bag on your right and the plank leaning against the wall on the left.
Next, dodge the Dust Devil to reach the stairs behind it and to the left. The stairs lead to a rooftop patio but are broken. A ramp is needed if you want to go up.
The plank you just grabbed is going to come in handy but won’t be wide enough. You need two more. One is buried on the west side of the broken stairs and the final plank is buried on the east side of it.
Use the three planks to make the ramp and head up. When you get to the top, you’ll see Aladdin on the balcony. To reach him, you need to remove the Sandstone deposits blocking the way.
Plank on the Wall

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One Buried Plank

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Another Buried Plank

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Remove the Sandstone

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With the path now clear, both you and Jasmine head onto the rooftop patio.
Jasmine and Aladdin take a few minutes to talk about what has happened since they parted ways on their quest to deal with the ancient, revealed Windcaller. As soon as they finish, they both turn their attention to you.
Quest Task: Reach Aladdin, who is trapped in the South Alley.
- Find a way onto the rooftops using all that you’ve learned
Quest Task: Give Aladdin and Jasmine a moment to reunite.
The Ancient Revealed Pro Tip: Take note. You can see the Palace from this rooftop. You will need to come back here in a future quest.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
What’s Next for The Ancient Revealed
Talk to Aladdin and Jasmine.
There is still a lot to do in Agrabah before things are back to normal. You need to save the Magic Carpet, repair the market, and find a way to stop the ancient, revealed Windcaller!
But there are now three of you! So, what’s next? Check out Brave the Storm and find out.
Quest Task: Speak to Aladdin on the rooftops.
Quest Task: Speak to Jasmine on the rooftops.

Image Credit: SelinaB / GamifiedLife, LLC
Aladdin Realm Map
The Aladdin Realm is a little tricky to navigate, especially with all the Sandstone Deposits blocking your way. Here is our rough map to help you along.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC
The Adventures Continue
The adventure continues in Brave the Storm.
In This Article
Disney Dreamlight Valley Guides
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- Maleficent's Castle
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- Ariel
- Beast
- Belle
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- Donald
- Fairy Godmother
- Gaston
- Goofy
- Jack Skellington
- Jafar
- Kristoff
- Maui
- Merlin
- Mickey Mouse
- Mike Wazowski
- Minnie Mouse
- Mirabel
- Moana
- Mother Gothel
- Mulan
- Mushu
- Olaf
- Oswald
- Prince Eric
- Pumbaa
- Rapunzel
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- Scar
- Scrooge McDuck
- Simba
- Stitch
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- The Forgotten
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- Ursula & Vanessa
- Vanellope
About the Author: IzziBGran
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