Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Your Own Personal Hades

Hades has just figured it out. He’s a Celebrity in Disney Dreamlight Valley’s Storybook Vale. It’s just that no one else knows it! He needs your help spreading the word, which is fine. But hopefully he understands that being a celebrity can also be your own personal Hades.

A Celebrity’s Manager

Hades wants to get the word out that he is a Storybook Vale celebrity. That way his adoring fans will seek him out.

But managing a Celebrity takes special skills. This is going to require some help and the best Villager for the job is Daisy!

Setup a meeting with Daisy and Hades.

Look out Hades, you are about to get a Manager, and since you don’t like to be managed, she will likely become your own personal Hades.

Quest Task: Meet Daisy and Hades in Hades’ House.

Quest Task: Talk to Daisy with Hades in Hades’ House.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Hades’ Merchandise

Daisy has taken on the role of Celebrity Hades’ Manager and to start things off, Hades needs merchandise.

After some discussion, Hades decides that T-Shirts are the way to go.

You will likely have most of the materials that are needed for Hades T-shirts already in your storage chests, but if anything is missing, here is where to find them.

Common Club Rush – Grow wild in Everafter

Magma – Mine in Mythopia

Blue Flowers – any from Dreamlight Valley, Eternity Isle or Storybook Vale

Quest Task: Gather the materials for Hades’ Merch.

  • Common Club Rushes – 5
  • Blue Flowers – 5
  • Magma – 5

Quest Task: Make sure you have the materials for the Hades Merch in your Inventory.

  • Common Club Rushes – 5
  • Blue Flowers – 5
  • Magma – 5
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

A Wardrobe Change

Take the materials to Hades. When the T-shirts are done, put one on. It’s great advertising for Celebrity Hades.

Quest Task: Bring the materials for Hades’ merch to Daisy

Quest Task: Dress up with the Hades Merch.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Picture Ops

Now that you have Hades Merch, it’s time to get some photos of him around Mythopia.

While Hades is not happy with being ordered around, he agrees to join in the photo ops.

It does appear, Hades, that you have indeed met your own personal Hades!

Quest Task: See how Hades likes his Merch.

Quest Task: Hang out with Hades and take pictures of yourself and Hades in various locations of Mythopia.

  • Elysian Fields
  • Fiery Plains
  • Statue’s Shadow
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Gather Materials

Daisy is keeping you busy as well. A letter waits in your mailbox. She needs you to gather materials to build a Kiosk. Here is where you will find everything.

Star Sapphire – Mine in Everafter

Petrified Wood

  • Mine in The Bind or Everafter
  • Remove Petrified Wood Stone piles with your Pickaxe


  • Remove Broken Pillars with your Pickaxe
  • Mine in Mythopia

Crimson Eternal Poppies – Grow wild in The Elysian Fields and Mount Olympus

Magma – Mine in Mythopia

Quest Task: Head back to your House to check your mail.

  • Read your letter from Daisy

Quest Task: Gather the materials to build the Hades Kiosk.

  • Star Sapphire – 1
  • Petrified Wood – 1
  • Marble – 5
  • Crimson Eternal Poppies – 1
  • Magma – 1
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Craft a Kiosk

Head to a nearby crafting station to make the Hades Kiosk. The crafting recipe is found under Furniture.

Quest Task: Craft the Hades Kiosk.

Quest Task: See how Hades is preparing for his endorsement presentation.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Cooking Ingredients

Hades, your personal own Hades is at it again. Daisy has arranged an endorsement deal with Goofy.

This deal means that Hades needs to address the public and cook something using ingredients from Goofy’s Storybook Vale Stalls.

After some blustering, Hades settles on the dishes he, or rather you, will make for his presentation. You are going to make Spanakopita and Olympian Tapenade.

At least the recipes are provided for you, so you don’t have to guess on what ingredients to use. You do, however, have to gather them. Here is where everything can be found.


  • Sold: Goofy’s Stall – Forest of Valor (Dreamlight Valley) – appears randomly
  • Cost: 255 Star Coins
  • Seed Sold: Goofy’s Stall – Forest of Valor (Dreamlight Valley)
  • Seed Cost: 50 Star Coins
  • Time to Grow: 1 hr. 15 min.
  • Yield: 1


  • Location: Grow wild in Mythopia
  • Time to Replenish: 30 min.
  • Yield: 3

Flyleaf Feta

Elysian Grain


  • Sold: Goofy’s Stall – Glade of Trust (Dreamlight Valley) – appears randomly
  • Cost: 62 Star Coins
  • Seed Sold: Goofy’s Stall – Glade of Trust (Dreamlight Valley)
  • Seed Cost: 45 Star Coins
  • Time to Grow: 1 hr.
  • Yield: 3

Garlic – grows wild in these locations

  • Storybook Vale – Everafter
  • Dreamlight Valley – Forest of Valor
  • Eternity Isle – The Lagoon & the Grove
  • Frozen Realm

Honeydew Melon

Salt Crystal

  • Fish Location: Everafter
  • Circle Color: Fish outside the circles

Quest Task: Gather the Ingredients needed for Hades’ Spanakopita and Olympian Tapenade.

  • Onion – 1
  • Olives – 1
  • Flyleaf Feta – 1
  • Elysian Grain – 1
  • Spinach – 1
  • Garlic – 1
  • Honeydew Melon – 1
  • Salt Crystal – 1
Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Check with Daisy

Take the Hades Kiosk to Daisy and see how she is doing.

Hades, it may seem like Daisy is your own personal Hades, but it also appears you, Hades, are Daisy’s as well.

After Daisy lets off a little steam, she gets back down to business. The preparations for the endorsement deal are just about finished.

Quest Task: Make sure you have the Hades Kiosk in your Inventory.

Quest Task: Check in with Daisy the manager about the endorsement deal.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Gather Around

Place Hades Kiosk and the cooking station near Scrooge McDuck’s store.

When everything is in place, Villagers gather, and the presentation begins.

Quest Task: Place the objects needed for Hades presentation near Scrooge McDuck’s Store in the Vale.

  • Hades Kiosk
  • Optional – Hades Cooking Station

Quest Task: Gather with the Villagers for Hades’ speech.

Pro Tip: Both the Kiosk and the cooking station need to be almost right next to Scrooge’s Store to register as completed for these tasks. So, if they don’t get checked off, just adjust their position a bit.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Take a Picture

Hades’ speech is a great time to capture a picture of him with the Villagers. Take out your Royal Camera and start snapping!

Quest Task: Return to the speech area near Scrooge McDuck’s Store

Quest Task: Listen to Hades’ endorsement speech.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Food Samples

As Hades’ speech draws to a close, head to the cooking station to prepare the meals he requested.

If you haven’t already, open your Backpack Inventory and use the recipes to move them into the cooking station’s recipe book.

Afterwards, you will most likely find the recipes in the Quest tab. But if they are not there, Spanakopita is an entree, and Olympian Tapenade is an appetizer.

Quest Task: Cook up some Greek meals for hades while he gives his endorsement speech

  • Spanakopita
  • Olympian Tapenade


Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Olympian Tapenade

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

An End of a Celebrity Era

That’s it. Hades has had enough.

Being a celebrity isn’t all that it seems. It’s a lot of work. It can, in fact, be your own personal Hades.

There has to be an easier way to be appreciated! But for now, it’s time for a rest.

Quest Task: Optional – Talk to Scrooge McDuck.

Quest Task: See how Hades liked his time as a celebrity.

Pro Tip: Pay attention to the dialog with Hades toward the end. He thanks you and gives you a redemption code of HADES15. This code can be entered in the Settings>Help>Redemption Code menu. Shortly after, you’ll get a one-time reward in your mailbox.

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Hades Adventures Continue

Previous Quest

Yes, Your Lugubriousness

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Next Quest

Fine, I’ll Do It Myself!

Image Credit: IzziBGran / GamifiedLife, LLC

Hades’ adventure continues in Fine, I’ll Do It Myself!

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Disney Dreamlight Valley Guides

About the Author: IzziBGran

IzziBGran started gaming in her mid-twenties, and it quickly became one of her favorite pastimes. Currently her favorite games include Disney Dreamlight Valley, Dragon Quest Builders II, and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but she dabbles in other RPGs regularly. When she retired, she became a curator for GamifiedLife to add some additional excitement to her gaming life.

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